Annual Banquet and Dinner
Known By Name. For a Purpose.

Join us for our biggest night of celebration. Hear the stories of leaders and students, "WHY" Young Life, and raise funds to keep this mission going.

Date: October 3, 2024
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Location: Central Presbyterian Church (Hoffmeister Building)

Merced County Clubs

Join us for food, fun & hanging with friends throughout the school year.

NEED DETAILS? - Contact:
Merced CLUB: 209-617-4867 (Dante)
GV CLUB: 209-631-0404 (Chris)
Hoover WYLDLIFE CLUB: 209-761-1472 (Ezra)
YoungLives: 209-489-8557 (Marissa)
UC Merced College Club- 209-648-7030 (Keegan)